Is It Cheaper In Mexico?

It’s a common belief that everything in Mexico is cheaper than it is in the United States. While this is generally true, there are some exceptions. So, what things are cheaper in Mexico? And by how much? You’re about to find out…

Food & Beverage

Food is generally cheaper in Mexico. Whether you’re at the grocery store or going out to eat, you are likely to spend a lot less in Mexico. For instance, you can go on a taco date and spend $12 USD total for two people and end up with two full bellies. Or enjoy some fresh-caught sushi for around $30 USD total, for two people. There are a couple of exceptions to this, however. There are many American products that are difficult to find in Mexico. If you find them, you are looking at paying 30%-50% more than what you would in the States. Additionally, stores such as Costco have a very similar inventory in Mexico and the U.S. but the prices in Mexico are usually higher. This is because of the high tax placed on goods crossing the U.S./Mexico border.

Beer, especially Mexican national beer, is much cheaper in Mexico. You can go out to almost any bar and get a Corona, Pacifico, Tecate, Dos XX, or another traditional cerveza for around 30 MXN pesos or $1.50 USD. Furthermore, tequila and other non-imported hard alcohols are generally cheaper in Mexico.


This one is a landslide. I mean, it’s not even close. If you live in America, there is a decent chance that you know of someone who has come to Mexico to get dental work, refill prescriptions, or received an elective surgery because of the cost savings. The most common medical treatment people come to Mexico for is dental work. Dental work (without insurance) can be anywhere from 2x to 5x less expensive in Mexico and the level of care, equipment, and knowledge has almost no drop-off.

Veterinary Care

While it’s likely not very plausible that you will bring your furry family member(s) to Mexico just for vet care, if you did, you would not be disappointed. Much like medical and dental services, veterinary care is a fraction of the cost in Mexico when compared to the United States. Also, similar to medical care, vets in Mexico are highly qualified, trained, and provide a level of service and care that you’d expect for your best friend.


For the most part, personal and professional services are much cheaper in Mexico. This includes massages, salon treatments, spa treatments and facials (with exceptions), mechanics, accountants, lawyers, house cleaning, construction, landscaping, and more. The wage in Mexico is very low, which leads to lower costs of services. For this reason, we always recommend tipping your service providers while in Mexico! They work very hard to provide an exceptional level of service and only charge a fraction of what you’d expect after comparing to the United States.

Housing & Rent

With the exception of a few areas (Los Cabos is one), rent and home prices are substantially cheaper in Mexico than in the United States. On average, the cost of owning a home is around half the price of owning in the States. In large part, this is due to the almost non-existent annual property taxes. However, in most areas, purchase prices for a home is much lower. In Los Cabos, the price of real estate, depending on the area, is comparable to many places in America. To no surprise, rent is also typically much lower in Mexico.
While many things are cheaper in Mexico for a variety of different reasons, there a few things that are actually more expensive. These include electronics, gasoline, and anything that needs to be imported (there is limited manufacturing in Mexico). Additionally, clothing is usually as expensive or slightly higher due to import, but the big problem is the selection. In most areas of Mexico, there is little consumerism and you will not be able to find the selection that you’ve come to expect in shopping centers or malls in America.
In summary, most things are comparably modest in price when compared to purchases in the USA.  However, it is always best to consider what is needed and take each purchase on a case-by-case basis.  Be sure to tell your personal concierge what you are looking to purchase and they will help you determine where is will be best to buy.  Don’t beat around the bush, be direct and make sure you ask what things are cheaper in Mexico?


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